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A fair tariff will prevent further increases in the price of gas and electricity for households

Yesterday 9:04

You are probably panicking over the prescription of new energy reserves. How far can energy prices rise? Will there really be "energy poverty" when we will not be able to shine or drown properly? The current prices we see in letters from energy suppliers are really hell. However, experts claim that we panic prematurely.

Electricity and gas are gradually becoming cheaper on European stock exchanges. This leads to a surprising reversal: all suppliers have become more expensive and have caught many households on the "new fixed tariff". They locked them in the current high prices for two or three years. However, the market is starting to go "against the trend" and getting cheaper. So far little and only slowly, but still. And this should be reflected in household prices as soon as possible, provided you have the right tariff.

How to weather the price storm

Experts say that energy will always be more expensive, but not as affordable as today. Therefore, he advises you to carefully consider whether, instead of a fixed price, it is not worthwhile to survive the price storm with advances linked to price developments on the stock exchange. For those who chose the so-called spot tariff, or "I pay as much as the stock market shows," prices have already begun to fall. The transfer tariff from ARMEX ENERGY is from the same family of spot products. It exactly copies the price at which ARMEX ENERGY buys, and as soon as it starts to fall, it immediately reduces the price of energy for consumers. By the way, the transfer tariff also shows you exactly what surcharge or margin your supplier takes from you.

As you can see in the infographics, ARMEX ENERGY, a brand with a fifteen-year tradition in energy, has come up with monthly advances that you can afford without being pushed to your knees at the end of the heating season.

Fast escape from DPI

A DPI is a great safeguard against the law that your supplier will suddenly leave the market, but people who have fallen into the DPI will tell you to wait to see what happens. it costs a lot of money that you don't have to pay with others. There is only one piece of advice: to leave the DPI regime as soon as possible and switch to other suppliers. Not only because the law allows you to stay with DPI for only six months. Mainly because switching to a new supplier means a relatively large saving of money in any case. We recommend comparing several offers and proceeding with a cool head, with clear forethought. A fixed price, which may seem safe in times of chaos, may not be the cheapest in the long run. The confusion that is now prevailing in the energy market is not the best time to commit to a fixed price for a long time. Spot products,The transfer tariff from ARMEX ENERGY ( www.prestupovytarif.cz ) offers fast exemption from DPI. Just fill out the online form or call the infoline operator. Don't wait for someone to solve a problem for you. You shouldn't wait for that either. Take the decision into your own hands and consider a transfer tariff.
